A clear assessment is made of the importance of technological means applied to the Police service, with an emphasis on citizen security. Since its implementation, these media have brought significant and relevant advances in the social sphere of a certain community. However, the Police service cannot be oblivious to this type of tools, which allow improving the efficiency and effectiveness in reducing crime. In such a way that the Modernization and Institutional Transformation Process contemplates within its development plans the use of technology for citizen security and coexistence. The research project "Strengthening the virtual surveillance service of the National Police in the Municipality of Duitama", developed by the research group of the Rafael Reyes Police School, was carried out through three stages using data collection instruments. information, such as: interviews, surveys and observation records, which allowed to determine the characteristics of this type of surveillance in terms of the technology used and available by the city to contribute to citizen security and coexistence, in the same way carried out an analysis of the problems that exist in the city and the coverage of the technological component, allowing the identification of some shortcomings and opportunities for improvement. From this information, it is possible to consolidate the design of a proposal for the improvement of virtual surveillance that contributes to strengthening the security of the citizens of the city of Duitama.
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