From July 30, 2013 and until today, the School of Law of the University of Costa Rica developed an improvement process in order to obtain the accreditation of law degree from the National Accreditation System (SINAES). This process allows the introduction of a series of measures including, among others, those related to student services, strengthening the substantive activities of teaching, research, social action, study and diffusion of knowledge, activities that are characteristic of our institution.
Social action, teaching and research frame the university educational process. Also, student services are administrative activities to accompany this process. In both cases, a large part of the overall activities are regulated by the rules of the University of Costa Rica.
This article exposes some of the most important experiences in implementing good practices in student services, carried out as part of the accreditation process of our School.
For this, two of the main ones are indicated: (I) what were the services to students considered strategic and (II) the development of best practices in the institutional regulatory framework. Finally, we will refer to some measures considered as priority to develop in the near future at the School of Law of the University of Costa Rica.
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