This document presents perceptions young people have about marijuana, a real approach to a query with minors, a conversation about their thoughts, to know them. All members are patients that have more than one year of active marijuana use. They are referred to a program because families requested treatment as it seems to be a biopsychosocial problem. It is clear that despite the risks they may see, they do not have enough sway for them not to stop using the drug. How to speak to them not just that marijuana “burns neurons”? or that it is a plant but not medicinal? How to empathize with young people to provide them and their families relevant information regarding drug usage? How to improve the early age programs of prevention of drug use that are developed to children so that they do not approach drugs and won’t start using them? These are some of the questions that we as professionals investigate while working on the promotion of mental health and treatment of patients who uses psychoactive substances.Comments
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