Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1659-2441


Normas de la Revista

The sending of an article to the Medical Journal of the University of Costa Rica (hereinafter referred to as the Journal), does not necessarily imply acceptance of it for publication.

Acceptance of an article for publication must comply with all the standards of the Journal, be of adequate scientific quality and accept to include the improvements proposed by the reviewers, if applicable.

The articles will be evaluated following the order of their entry. The articles must be sent to the Journal's email:

Process of evaluation of articles

The articles sent to the Journal are subject to a series of steps prior to their publication. In the first place, the Editorial Board reviews the articles that are sent to verify that they comply with the format of the Journal and that everything is as requested in the authors' guide. If something is missing, the article is returned to the author to complete the missing. When the article fully complies with the publication norms presented in the authors' guide, it is evaluated by the Scientific Committee to verify the quality of the scientific content and the subject it addresses. Second, once verified everything and knowing the area of ​​the specialty of the work, two reviewers are selected, proposed by the Scientific Committee, to evaluate the article. The work of the reviewers is free and there is no payment for this work. The reviewers will have about two to three weeks to express their opinions, if after that time they do not respond they will look for other reviewers to do the work. When the process with the reviewers is complete and they have given their approval to accept the article, the Scientific Committee reviews them again and issues a final criterion for their publication. Thirdly, finally the Editorial Board reviews the works and approves or rejects them according to the criteria of the Scientific Committee and the reviewers.