Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is the most toxic and prevalent aflatoxin worldwide, it causes acute aflatoxicosis, has a carcinogenic and cytotoxic effect in animals and humans. AFB1 is a secondary metabolite produced by Aspergillus spp., particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Generally, cereals are the most significant risk of exposure for animals and are the most widely used in the formulation of feedstuffs for dairy farms. Cows that ingest feedstuffs contaminated with AFB1 excrete aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) through the milk, at a transfer rate from 0.30 to 7.26%. AFM1 has a carcinogenic effect, but is less potent than AFB1. AFM1 is stable to the milk pasteurization processes used in the dairy industry. The consumption of AFM1-contaminated dairy products increases the risk of cancer in humans, making it one of the most important food safety problems. Considering the impact of AFB1/AFM1 on food safety for animals and humans, this paper provides an insight into the relationship between AFB1 and food for dairy cows, the transfer of AFB1 to AFM1 in milk and dairy products, effects on production and reproductive performance in the animal, importance on public health, as well as, the most convenient strategies to control AFB1 and AFM1 levels in dairy industry production chain. Control of the impact of AFB1/AFM1 in dairy farms should include a surveillance and monitoring plan in the farm using reliable analytical techniques, on tank milk samples, on-site that help strengthen feedstuffs control measures to ensure cow welfare and food safety.
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