This study aimed to determine the nutritional characteristics of fresh and ensiled mixtures made from legumes and four carbohydrate sources. The experiment was carried out between 2015 and 2016. A random factorial design was used with combinations of four legume species (Vigna unguiculata, Arachis pintoi, Cratylia argentea, Erythrina poeppigiana) and 4 carbohydrate sources (sugar cane molasses, dehydrated citrus pulp, ground corn, and immature square banana fruit), for a total of 16 treatments. The forages were chopped and placed in vacuum-packed bags for 50 days. Artisanal bacterial inoculum (1 L/ton) was added to all treatments, with four repetitions. The bromatology of the silages was affected by the legume species and the carbohydrate source. Dry matter content of the silages was less than 23%, with tree silages having the highest average (19.9%) compared to herbaceous legumes (12.6%). The crude protein showed values between 13.9-19.4% in the different treatments. Non-fibrous carbohydrates had a concentration between 23.1-37.5%. Acid detergent fiber ranged between 21.6-38.2% and total digestible nutrients showed a range between 58.3-66.1%. Cratylia silages were the materials showing the greatest contribution of crude protein, due to their nutrient content, although they also showed the lowest energy content, regardless of the type of carbohydrate used. On the other hand, ground corn was the source of carbohydrates causing most of the changes in the silages, since it increased the values of dry matter, non-fibrous carbohydrates, and energy.
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