Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586


About the Journal

About the journal

Approach and scope


The objective of the Pensamiento Actual journal of the University of Costa Rica is to disseminate scientific research and foster academic thinking in different fields of the university.

Periodicity of distribution

Biannual. The first issue is from June to November; the second issue is from December to May.


The journal receives articles in Spanish and English, Portuguese, or French.    


There is no charge for entry or processing of articles.

Publication identifier

ISSN: 1409-0112 / e-ISSN: 2215-3586 Universidad de Costa Rica Revista Pensamiento Actual.

License protection

All published articles are protected with a Creative Commons 3.0 license (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikel CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CR) from Costa Rica. This license can be accessed at: 

Self-archiving policy

The magazine allows the articles to be self-archived in their reviewed, edited, and approved version by the Editorial Board of the Pensamiento Actual journal to make them available in Open Access through the Internet. In addition, the preservation and recovery of data through memory devices and computers is encouraged. Besides that, Pensamiento Acutal is part of the PKP Preservation Network, which offers the preservation service for all the journals of the OJS management system.


Thematic descriptors

It covers a wide variety of topics related in the following fields of knowlodge: Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Education, Philosophy, Arts and Literature, and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology.

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal, which means that all content can be consulted freely and at no charge to the user.

Readers may read, download, copy, distribute, print, and search for articles in this journal without prior authorization from the publisher or author, provided that their use is for educational purposes, entirely unrelated to profit.

Plagiarism Detection Policy

All our publications are strictly original and controlled with the Turnitin® anti-plagiarism program and a strict code of ethics. In case of confirming plagiarism or theft of ideas, it will be reported to the Vice-Rectory of Research of the University of Costa Rica, so that it proceeds in accordance with national regulations, regarding intellectual property. In addition, all authors must provide their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number when registering and publishing in our journal.

Code of Ethics 

The Journal will be regulated, like all the publications of the Research Coordination of the Occidental Campus, by the code of Ethics of the Occidental Campus Editorial. This code can be found at http: //revistas.ucr.

Repository policy

Repositories: Since 2010, the Kérwá Repository has stored, disseminated and preserved the scientific and academic production of the University of Costa Rica (which of course includes Pensamiento Actual). Likewise, authors published in our journal can deposit both:
-Submitted version
-Accepted version (Manuscript accepted by the author)
-Published version (Registered version)
in the associated Sherpa Romeo Repository.

Types of articles

The journal publishes the following types of unpublished articles:

Scientific article (text with empirical evidence and well-defined methodology): 30 pages maximum. This is derived from research, social action, or teaching experience. It refers to the achievements and their possible scientific applications. The objectives, the method used, and the results must be stated. It must show its own purposes and independence with respect to the research that supports it.

Bibliographic essay: 30 pages maximum. It consists of a narrative discussion of research reports, research articles, books, among others, of a certain field of study related to some of the topics that the Journal accepts.

The scientific essay: 30 pages maximum. It is the type of text that defends a hypothesis or contrasts two or more hypotheses about the specific subject of study it deals with. It is a reflective discourse that emphasizes the analysis of current studies and the ideas proposed at that moment on a specific topic, with the aim of discussing their scope and relevance.

Biographical note: 30 pages maximum. It is a biographical sketch that highlights the most outstanding events related to some area of research that determined the nature, studies, and historical relevance of a person or institution. It recognizes their achievements in their field of study and how their actions modified the course of the country's history or specific knowledge. The legacy that the person left is recognized.

Reviews: 30 pages maximum. These are texts that summarize experiences in relation to projects, initiatives, cultural, educational, artistic or health policies, and literary texts. They are presented with the accuracy of an essay but allowing the subjective appreciation of the writer.

Other collaborations: short literary texts or visual art documents with their corresponding preliminary analysis.

Copyright agreement

For the acceptance of their documents, the authors must deliver the letter of originality signed. The authors retain the rights to their works, but adhere to the distribution and reproduction license mentioned in the protection section. In addition, authors must adjust their texts according to the Guide for the presentation of works and the procedures, style, format, correction, editing, translation, publication, duration of the editorial process and other requirements of the evaluation process.

The Pensamiento Actual journal will publish research results, essays, and technical notes in the different thematic descriptors mentioned, as a result of the academic activity with the aim of spreading knowledge and experiences developed at or outside of the Occidental Campus.

The originality of each proposal will depend on: presenting a new topic or an innovative approach to topics that have already been discussed; applying a new or different methodology to deal with a topic or a reviewing of a topic that shows a new relationship between content or authors with significant contributions.

It should be noted that the Journal works based in a external peer review under the “double-blind” modality; in other words, the authors do not know who is evaluating them and the evaluators do not know who owns the evaluated text.


Review Procedure

1. The editor of the magazine ensures that the shipment not only includes the original document (Carta de originalidad) and the document sent for evaluation, until it is also combined with the format described in the guide for submitting the work (Guía para la presentación de trabajos). The archives that are not adjusted to the specifications of the magazine will be assigned to their corresponding adjustment by the person who wrote them.
2. Once the completion of the previous point has been completed, the editor examines the document in Turnitin® with the aim of detecting possible plagiarism, self-plagiarism or duplicate publication, and, thus, corroborate the originality of the writing.
3. If there is no problem of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or duplicate publication, the editorial team will begin the evaluation process by external reviewers.

For this reason, when contacting the possible people who are expert evaluators on the topic, they are given a period of 15 days to say that they are asked to summarize the dictamen and observations in the Article Evaluation Form of the Pensamiento Actual magazine (Formulario para evaluación de artículos ), which is what includes the following mistakes: If published, If published if you follow recommendations and Do not publish.

4. Upon receipt of each evaluation, the editorial team issues a complimentary card to the corresponding evaluator.
5. If there is no consensus among the people being evaluated – it is clear, if some dictum that the text is not published –, the writing will be submitted to a third reading, which is defined as whether it is public or not.
6. Once the necessary evaluations have been obtained, the Editorial Team summarizes the comments and corrections in a single document, which is sent to the author together with a Table for verification of corrections (Formulario para evaluación de artículos ) which must be prepared to fund the changes made in the final version of the document . To carry out the work, the person responsible takes 15 days.
7. Upon receiving the final version of the writing, the Editorial Committee, in meeting, is the one who issues the definitive dictamen on the final version; in other words, decide whether you can publish it or not.
8. When the writings are approved to be published in the corresponding number and volume, a philological and stylistic correction is carried out, in which case the norms discussed by the Royal Spanish Academy (in the case of texts in Spanish) and the dictadas por la American Psychological Association (APA) setima edition en cuanto la citación, references, figuras, imágenes, tablas, cuadros y referencias bibliográficas. Then the diagram and its publication will be made.
9. When the file in which the article has been published is open and is available to the public, the magazine will send a message to the people evaluated to access its respective articles.

Editorial Procedure

1. Publishing solicitation. The authors who wish to publish in the magazine Pensamiento Actual must follow the guide for the presentation of the work and send the work to the electronic management of and to Once again you should wait for the reception time via electronic mail, the estimated time at this stage is 10 days.
2. First review. During this first evaluation the editorial board will be responsible for checking compliance with the standards for the presentation of the articles of the Revista Pensamiento Actual, in case of failure to comply with the style and presentation requirements, the editor board will proceed to return and send the items Suggestions as appropriate to start the process again. The estimated time is 15 working days.
3. Double blind evaluation. If specialized evaluators are responsible for reviewing and establishing the relevance of the article, this group will be required to submit an evaluation report in an estimated time of 40 days to the editorial board for the next stage.
4. Communication of results. The editorial board undertakes at this stage to study the information sent by the evaluators, with the aim of deciding whether the article will be accepted or rejected. Once the decision has been made, inform the author of the results of the work carried out, the result of this stage is unavoidable, and will be informed within an estimated time of 5 days.
5. Correction of the manuscript. In the case of acceptance of the work, the author must pay attention to the indications of modifications and corrections that are requested to be carried out in order to ensure the definitive version for publication, the implementation of these indications will be monitored by the editorial team (integrated by the editorial board and philological review) before the process of editing and publishing the magazine, this process must be contemplated within 20 days approximately.
6. Production process. The Revista Pensamiento Actual will be sent to diagram the articles and proceed with a detailed review of the work next to publication in approximately 15 working days.
7. Publication. The editorial board will undertake to publish the new volume of the magazine via the web and in subsequent sections in the appropriate format for the corresponding circulation. (The estimated time for the entire process is generally 3 to 4 months)

Directorio de revistas:

LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal)



DIALNET (Alerts Service and Virtual Newspaper Library of summaries of Spanish scientific journals)

REDIB (Ibero-american Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge)

BASE (Bielefeld University Library)

Actualidad Iberoamericana (Technology Information Center of Chile (CIT))

MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals) 

Sherpa/Romeo (Database of publishers' policies on copyright and self-archiving)

BIBLAT (Bibliografía Latinoamericana)

CLASE (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades)