The structure and species composition of two premontane wet forest remnants were studied in the Madre Verde Reserve in La Granja, Palmares, Central Valley of Costa Rica. Two plots were established, P1 in a disturbed forest and P2 in a non-disturbed forest, and all trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) > 5 cm or greater were marked, measured and identified. A total of 92 tree species were recorded, 55 in P1 and 58 in P2, and the species similarity among the plots was S=0.37 (Sørensen Similarity Index), only 21 species were present in both. The Families with higher species richness were Lauraceae, Moraceae, Fabaceae and Flacourtiaceae. The density of trees with DBH greater than 10 cm was 329 trees/ha in the P1 and 781 in P2. The species with greater Importance Value Index (>10) were in order of importance Ficus hartwegii, Cupania glabra, Ocotea veraguensis and Tapirira myriantha in P1 and Mollinedia costaricensis, Psychotria panamensis, Ficus hartwegii, Nectandra membranacea, Cojoba costaricensis and Guarea glabra in P2. The size class distributions in both plots followed the expected J-inverted shape. Differences in terms of tree abundance, floristic composition and spatial distribution of some species among the two plots suggest heterogeneity of arborescent vegetation in the Reserve. In conclusion, the two remaining forest on the Madre Verde Reserve have composition, density, species richness and size class distribution similar to other primary forests or remnants of the premontane life zone and are an important natural reservoir for the conservation of native biological diversity of this area and as a reference for reforestation projects in this area.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##
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