This work pretends to analyze aesthetic, corpo-technical, social and political elements of Breakdance, that is, dancing movements done and perceived as a street art in a national context. It is focused on postmodern perspective, cultural experience and social condition. The idea is to develop a concept of construction and Neoliberalism. The forms and socio-cultural values within the globalization dynamics frame are analyzed, besides, the effects of neoliberal impact on the planning and developing of public policy on Costa Rican youngsters, that is, “Juventudes” a set of governmental policies focused on the Costarican youth. The idea is to see from the specificity of dancing as an art, involving the dancer's corporeality and its corresponding implications to the social "Other". The concepts exclusion and discrimination are two perceptions in which this artistic activity allows to discern this activity within a social dynamic. The idea is to observe and analyze the trajectory of the national breakdance crew called "Handspro" as a main objective of this study.