This article proposes to rescue actions and repercussions that - with the curatorial work - women artists, commisioners and investigators, realize at the Central American Area, Panama and The Caribbean, during the 90’s. A case: A lived experience generated the article "EVIDENCE and MEMORY, CONTEMPORARY ART BY WOMEN AT CENTRAL AMERICA, PANAMA AND THE CARIBBEAN” that I wrote and was published by the Panamenian Commisioner Mónica Kupfer on the Copa Airlines CORDIALIDAD Magazine, which circulates in the above mentioned company planes. Also it was published on the “LITERARTE” magazine, from Honduras, under the name " MUA/ INSTALA, CENTRAL AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY ART”. Looking for reflection and thinking spaces creation,I propose with this article to restore the dialogue thread that was established at that time, around the spheres that border all the artisitic fields (production, reception, publishing, and commisioning) which render oportunities to the new generations for getting involved on this media.
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