Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Collaborative Ethnography in research trainning in Educational Sciences
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Collaborative ethnography
collaborative process
Educational Sciencies
University education
etnografía colaborativa
proceso colaborativo
Ciencias de la Educación
Educación Superior

How to Cite

Pozzo, M. I., Miano, M. A., & Heras Monner Sans, A. I. (2018). Collaborative Ethnography in research trainning in Educational Sciences. Pensamiento Actual, 18(31), 102–113.


In this work we examine the potential contributions from collaborative ethnography in Education Sciences career, putting under discussion some aspects of academic university learning. Since collaborative ethnography in education posses a debate on who produces knowledge, when, how, for what and with what tools, it allows reflection on central elements of research teaching. We review some specific characteristics of this approach and describe the presentation made to university students of the Career of Educational Sciences of the National University of Rosario, Argentina. Through a virtual device, the potential contributions of the collaborative ethnography approach in education were then discussed. This allowed us to analyze the ways in which students assumed the ideas presented and its potential use in their future research paths. From there, we conclude on the importance of its incorporation to an educational research course in the university in spite of the challenges that this entails.
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