Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Theoretical model for holistic critical thinking measurement at nursing diagnosis process teaching
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Evaluation studies
Theoretical models
Estudios de evaluación
Modelos teóricos

How to Cite

Riegel, F., & Oliveira Crossetti, M. da G. (2020). Theoretical model for holistic critical thinking measurement at nursing diagnosis process teaching. Pensamiento Actual, 20(34).


Objective: describe the theoretical model built for measurement of holistic critical thinking in nursing teaching using the Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric. This instrument evaluates the holistic critical thinking. It was originated in the United States (EUA) and translated into Portuguese. Method: a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach. The study was realized at an institution of higher education in South Brazil, after approval by the Committee for Ethics in Research, CAEE No. 72294917.7.0000.5347. Five nursing students and four teachers participated in the study through focus groups sessions. For data analysis, the technique of content analysis was used. Results: metaconcepts and conceptual elements were registered. They gave support to the construction of the theoretical model of holistic critical thinking measurement in nursing teaching. Final Considerations: The built theoretical model has shown to contribute and guide accurate clinical decision making by nursing students.
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¿Cómo citar este artículo?

Riegel, F. y Oliveira, M. (2020). A Theoretical Model to Measure Holistic Critical Thinking in the Teaching of Diagnosis Process in Nursing. Pensamiento Actual, 20(34), 128-137.

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