This article reports on the systematization of an experience that focused on an intervention to help three underachieving learners in a course of English composition at a public university in Costa Rica. Extra exercises after delayed feedback were implemented by using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide learners with opportunities to use the feedback previously received. The experience consisted of documenting what happened. The study also elaborates on an explanation of the findings accomplished as a result of the intervention. The objective was to interpret the experience critically for self-reflection and future pedagogical praxis improvement. The study used qualitative analysis techniques and a systematization model. The results suggest that 1) delayed feedback use in extra activities contributed to learners' preparation and academic progress and 2) that the acquisition of new knowledge in digital skills plays a vital role in the correct use and integration of digital technologies such as ICT tools and applications (e.g., Zoom and Kahoot!) for the process of teacher’s professional development and pedagogical praxis improvement. In conclusion, the implementation of an ICT tool and learning application allowed underachieving learners to progress academically. Besides, the instructor achieved digital competence in using Zoom and Kahoot!. This new knowledge obtained during the intervention helped the course’s professor to reflect on his practice.
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