Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586

Adult literacy, human rights and inclusion: study in two night schools in the canton of San Ramón
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human rights
derechos humanos
persona estudiante
persona docente


This article recovers the results of the qualitative research carried out in two educational institutions of the canton of San Ramón where the program of the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) called Night School is applied, specifically with regard to the literacy of young people and adults.  This research seeks to answer three questions: Do users of this service receive adequate academic attention for people in vulnerable conditions? Does inclusion apply, during the Covid 19 Pandemic, in the lessons of the Adult Literacy programme; Taking into account that these are human beings who expect to be treated as people with rights and duties? Is emphasis placed as educators of this program, on the importance of knowing about human rights and the different national and international treaties that point towards training on equal terms?

Basic literacy, in this article, will be addressed from the perspective based on human rights and is conceived as one of the principles of integration that promotes human development from the first contributions of Paulo Freire to the Universal Design of Learning (DCD). The methodology presents a design of case studies where the active participation in the process by the researcher allows a comparison of the educational process before and after the Pandemic caused by Covid -19. It suggests the need to publicize the treatment of the program of attention to students and the approach both at the level of pedagogical mediation and educational inclusion. Triangulation through the analysis of the main theories allows to obtain valuable conclusions about the inclusion of these students in society through literacy. Basic literacy, in this article, will be addressed from the perspective based on human rights and is conceived as one of the principles of integration that promotes human development from the first contributions of Paulo Freire to the Universal Design of Learning (DCD). The methodology presents a design of case studies where the active participation in the process by the researcher allows a comparison of the educational process before and after the Pandemic caused by Covid -19. It suggests the need to publicize the treatment of the program of attention to students and the approach both at the level of pedagogical mediation and educational inclusion. Triangulation through the analysis of the main theories allows to obtain valuable conclusions about the inclusion of these students in society through literacy.
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