This article aims to be a resource to address the strengthening of oral expression, through the dramatization of literary texts; In addition, it is desired to combine this communicative ability with reading comprehension, so that these two areas of language are addressed and reinforced. Although it is true, the material is proposed to work at the eighth grade level, with the texts Eva sol y sombra and Magdalena (by the Costa Rican writers Melvin Méndez and Ricardo Fernandez Guardia, respectively), the proposal can be adapted to different educational centers, whether public or private, modalities and levels. In this case, it was carried out with two groups from the Naranjo Experimental Bilingual High School. The main objective of the proposal is to provide a series of didactic strategies that lead to the development of communication skills and literary comprehension in students, so that through playful and creative activity the student can explore, know, discover and exploit their abilities, both in oral expression (diction, tone of voice, use of gestures, fluency, intonation, gestures, mime, among others) and in the interpretation of messages. Through the staging of the works, they will be able to internalize a role and generate an unfolding, so that from the game fears are lost, since they stop being themselves and become the character they decided to represent. Through reading comprehension, literary texts will be analyzed from the four phases established by Ministerio de Educación Pública (natural, location, analytical and interpretive) and the process will be oriented towards the construction and discussion of themes, situations, problems, visions, ideologies , among others, exposed in the text.
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