Costa Rica has been at the forefront in protecting the environment, taking advantage of this resource, the tourism offered in the country is mostly nature tourism and has benefited from the creation of protected wild areas; therefore, the aim is to determine whether sufficient actions are being taken to preserve ecosystems and thus contribute to the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda to which the country committed in 2015. For such purposes, a quantitative descriptive methodology is used, where the benefits of the sector are evidenced, for example, parity at the employment level between men and women and the number of micro-enterprises linked to it. On the other hand, however, there is evidence of resistance or inability of the companies to manage information related to sustainability, and despite the policies created, there are still situations that threaten ecosystems and put the continuity of tourism at risk. It is concluded that the care of ecosystems is a responsibility of all residents in the country, and it is necessary to create strategic alliances for the preservation of ecosystems and collective improvement.
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Secretaría Técnica de los ODS. 2023. Agenda 2030. El sistema de Naciones Unidas y los ODS en Costa Rica. Disponible en: http://ods.cr/ods-en-costa-rica/el-sistema-de-naciones-unidas-y-los-ods-en-costa-rica
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