The process of emergence, evolution and improvement of physical exercise has been a complex phenomenon that has reflected cultural, social and scientific changes throughout human history. From its ancestral roots in hunting and survival practices, physical exercise has evolved significantly to become a fundamental component in the promotion of well-being and integral health of individuals in contemporary society. In its beginnings, ancient civilizations, such as China and classical Greece, laid the foundations for the understanding of the importance of physical activity in daily life and the development of the individual. However, during the Middle Ages, the emphasis on spirituality and lack of attention to the body largely suppressed the practice of physical exercise. With the advent of the Renaissance, pioneering figures such as Pier Henrich Ling, Guts Muths, Francisco de Amorós y Ondeano and Thomas Arnold emerged, whose contributions laid the foundations of what is known today as Physical Education. Through their systematic and visionary approaches, these precursors promoted the integration of physical exercise in education and the promotion of values such as teamwork, discipline and leadership. Today, physical exercise has acquired unprecedented importance, encompassing not only sports and health, but also social and cultural aspects. With the advance of digital technology, the monitoring and optimization of physical performance have reached new levels, along with a greater awareness of the importance of integral wellness and the prevention of diseases related to sedentary lifestyles.
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