Pensamiento Actual ISSN Impreso: 1409-0112 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3586


Journal evaluation formula


Title of the Article


Reviewer’s name


I agree to review this document with the understanding that I must comply with strict ethical and confidentiality standards; therefore, I am not authorized to comment to anyone on the existence of the ideas in this text before it is published.


Receipt date:


Return date:



  1. Criteria to evaluate the content of the article.




Very good




Relationship between the title and the content.






Originality and suitability of the content.






Relevance of the content.






The objectives are in line with the methodology and the results.






Clarity and coherence in the organization of ideas and the structure of the article.






Correct use of the methodological instrument.






Correct use of the theoretical instrument.






There is coherence between the purpose of the study and the conclusions.






Critical contribution.






Current bibliographic sources.








  1. Criteria to evaluate the presentation of the article.






It includes the abstract in Spanish and English.




It includes keywords in Spanish and English.




It presents the necessary parts for its clear comprehension.




The article title is synthetic.




Citations and bibliographic references follow the Harvard method consistently and without errors.




The writing is clear, pertinent, coherent, and typical of the academic field in the texts that contain the analysis.





  1. Suggestions


This document was presented as:

(  ) Scientific article (It includes empirical evidence and a thorough methodology for data collection)

(  ) Essay (It presents a theoretical discussion from other authors or a dissertation on an important topic to which it contributes an address to or interpretation of a phenomenon).

Do you agree with this category (  ) YES (  ) NO; explain briefly:



At your discretion, the article:

(   ) Should be published (see observations)

(   ) Should be published if suggestions are met (see observations)

(  ) Should not be published (see observations)


Note: Please write down your positive and corrective observations so that the author can better understand your expert judgment.


  1. Observations

We thank you for briefly expanding your opinions and suggestions, as they will be of great value to the author and the improvement of the article. In addition, if you consider that a review of a topic that is not covered in this guide should be carried out, it would be very convenient to write it down. Also, it will be extremely useful for the author to make your observations or comments directly in the text.


Please summarize your academic qualities as a reviewer in the following lines (academic degree, institutional affiliation, and main fields of research).


Finally, could you suggest the name of two colleagues in your same field and their e-mail addresses to eventually ask them to provide this same service to us.


Thank you!