A biological study of a tropical chiton, Chiton stockesii, including aspects of its distribution, density, reproduction and biometry, was carried out at Punta Pochote, Bahía Ballena, Costa Rica, from August 1981 to July 1912. C. stockessi showed an aggregate-type distribution with a relative density of 0.2 ind./m2, 0.5 ¡nd./m2 and 6.3 ind./m2. In the upper, middle and lower littoral zones, respectively. The calculated correlation coefficients among all the measured variables were significant (P ≤ 0.01). It was not possible to determine sexual dimorphism (P ≤ 0.01) with respect to total length, height and weight. The lowest values for the coefficient of variation corresponded to the first two of these three variables (13.99% and 12.49%, respectively). The ratio of males to females was 1.54: 1, there was no evidence of hermaphroditism. The correlation between gonadal index and gonadal stage showed a similar seasonal variation (P ≤ 0.05). The periods of greatest gametogenesis and accumulation of mature gametes were from August-September 1981, and April-May 1982. The spawning seasons were between September-October 1981, November- February 1982 and June-July 1982. All of these periods were characterized by a decrease in the weight and length of the gonads.References
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