This is the first comprehensive report on hallucinatory, edible and poisonous mushrooms of Costa Rica. A total of 67 species is reported of which 4 are hallucinatory, 55 are edible and 8 are poisonous. A search based on information obtained from national health centers between 1972 and 1977, includes total number of intoxications per year, number of cases by age, sex and geographic distribution.
Guzmán, G. 1977. Identificación de los hongos. Editorial Limusa. México. 236 p. + 5 7 7 láminas.
Heim, R. 1963. Champignons Toxiques et Hallucinogenes. Ed. N. Boubée & Cie. Paris. 327 p.
Heim, R., R. Cailleux, R.G. Wasson & P. Thévenard. 1967. Nouvelles investigations sur les champignons hallucinogenes. Editions du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 218 p.
Heim, R., & R.G. Wasson, 195 8. Les champignons halliconogenes du Mexique. Editions du Muséum National Naturelle, Paris. 245 p.
Kühner, R., & H. Romagnesi. 1974. Flore Analytique des Champignons Supérieurs. Masson et Cie. Ed. Paris. 556 p.
Maublanc, A. 1971. Les champignons comestibles et vénéneux. Ed. Paul Lechevalier. Paris. 251 p.
Singer, R. 1975. The Agaricales in Modem Taxonomy. J. Cramer. Vaduz, Alemania. 912 p.

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