In the present contribution, concerning cestodes; a new host for Moniezia benedeni (Moniez, 1874) Blanchard, 1891, is registered as Bradypus griseus griseus (Gray, 1871) Allen, 1891 (perezoso) from Costa Rica, Central America. Species of the genus Moniezia, as reported in previous publications have been reduced to synonymies on the basis of the nature of their interproglottidial glands. We are in agremeent with the importance of this character, together with the morphology and structure of the vitellaria and ovary in the determination of this genus and very specially as characters to be considered for the differentiation of Moniezia Blanchard, 1891 and Cittotaenia Riehm, 1891 which are so close phylogenetically as to be easily confused, DOUTHITT (7). Tetrabothrus sulae (Baird, 1853) Baer, 1954, collected from a pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis Gmelin) in the state of Veracruz, has been determined on the basis, of the character of the cirrus and pouch, the vagina, the scolex and the number of testes, as given in BAER'S 1954 monograph of species of the family Tetrabothridae. Two taeniae collected from Urocyon cinereoargenteus costarricensis and Felis weidii nicaraguae, have been determined only tentatively as Taenia laticollis Rudolphi, 1819 and Taenia taeniaeformisis (Batsch, 1786) Wolffüghel, 1911 pending a study of their larval phase. The larval stage is not always available and we suggest that a study of the size and structure of the hooks is absolutely essential for precise identification of these cestodes as well as the anatomy of gravid proglotids and mature segments, but unless the characters of the organs in this segment present specifical features, like the sphincter in the vagina of Taenia taeniaeformis (14), the morphology of mature proglotids should be placed in second place. We suggest also, that a histological study should be made at the same time as the morphological, in order to see the structural details and make specific diagnoses more precise.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##
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