Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Pheno-morphology of two paramo species of Miconia (Melastomataceae): optimization of flowering and fructification to enhance dispersal


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Carvajal Muñoz, A. P., Morales Puentes, M. E., Gil Leguizamón, P. A., & Reyes Duarte, A. C. (2022). Aspectos fenomorfológicos de dos especies de Miconia (Melastomataceae) en el páramo de Rabanal, Boyacá. Revista De Biología Tropical, 70(1).


Introduction: Paramos are one of the most affected ecosystems due to anthropic activity, so that, research such as phenological investigations have been proposed, which provide the right information on how to take care of the species, as well as their conservation and maintenance. Likewise, Melastomataceae, one of the most diverse families in the world, plays a fundamental role in the dynamics of ecosystems, however, its phenology and morphology still require studies. Objective: to describe phenological and morphological aspects of flowers and fruits of Miconia elaeoides Naudin and Miconia ligustrina (Sm.) Triana in the paramo of Rabanal, Ventaquemada, Boyacá. Methods: from September 2 019 to February 2 020, and from April 2 021 to August of the same year, the phenology of 12 individuals of M. elaeoides and M. ligustrina was monitored in the Rabanal paramo. Additionally, phenological data of herbariums were linked to corroborate the results obtained. In the two data sets, the distribution of the data was described using Rayleigh's test (Z), the standard deviation of the data (SD), and the direction (μ) and length (r) of the mean; in addition, precipitation and area temperature records were obtained, to correlate with the phenophases. Moreover, the morphometry of each species was described. Results: The flowering peak of M. ligustrina occurs in April, and the fruiting peak occurs between June and July; while in M. elaeoides, flowering is massive in January, and the highest fruit production occurs in May. Thus, the phenology of these species was correlated with rainfall, since flowering occurred in dry seasons and fruiting in rainy seasons. On the other hand, it was observed that the species are similar in their morphology, since the width of the flower, the hypanthia, the petal, and its length, did not present great variation. Conclusions: The results evidence the phenological response of the species studied, at the request to ensure the dispersion of their seeds, which leads to fructify at the most optimal time of the year; thus, flowering occurs in dry times, so that fructification takes place in rainy seasons, where the photosynthetic rate is low and frugivorous increase.


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