Introduction: Morphological parameters of flowering are fundamental in the reproductive process of plants, but this subject is poorly explored in the cashew tree Anacardium occidentale. Objective: To determine the influence of the flowering and harvest period on floral parameters, and to identify association with hermaphrodite flowers in the dwarf cashew. Methods: For the 2018 and 2019 harvests in 120 samples we measured number of male/hermaphrodite/abnormal flowers; panicle biomass, length, maximum width, and ramifications at 30, 45 and 60 days for 360 samples in total, for each season (2018 and 2019). Results: The harvest effect was not significant. Panicle length and width (at 30 days), had the greatest contributions to the production of hermaphrodite flowers. The presence of male flowers (at 45 days), and the panicle length and number of primary branches (at 60 days) were the main factors at their respective periods. Conclusions: The emission of hermaphrodite flowers responds negatively to male flowers. Variations in flowering compromise the production of hermaphrodite flowers and the flowering structure.
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