Introduction: Lobomycosis, is a chronic mycotic disease of the skin and sub-dermal tissue caused by Paracoccidioides ceti, which affects dolphins worldwide. In Costa Rica, the incidence of lobomycosis Like Disease (LLD) has been documented in inshore common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the waters of Golfo Dulce, South Pacific.
Objective: Examine the prevalence pattern of LLD in inshore T. truncatus from Costa Rica Pacific waters, specifically in Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya.
Methods: We examined over 20 000 photographs of T. truncatus, collected during long-term research on cetaceans in 2005-2020 (n = 476 surveys), in Golfo Dulce, as well of nine sightings T. truncatus from the Golfo de Nicoya , obtained during 17 samplings events in 2014-2022, these records for the presence of LLD allowed to calculate the prevalence rate with a confidence interval.
Results: The prevalence rate of LLD in adult photo-identified individuals was 13.1 % (CI: 12 -14.2) in Golfo Dulce, and 100 % in Golfo de Nicoya, considering the size of the population for the period of 2022.
Conclusion: The persistence and high prevalence levels of LLD in small, localized, communities of T. truncatus are a cause for serious concern.
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