Introduction: Terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) play important roles in the ecological processes of the soil in tropical ecosystems and are employed as indicators of environmental impact. Despite their importance, studies on the ecology of this suborder in the Neotropics are scarce. Objective: To assess spatial changes in alpha and beta diversity of Oniscidea in the supralittoral zone across Archipiélagos Coralinos (ARCO), Magdalena (MAG), and Morrosquillo (MOR) ecoregions in the Colombian Caribbean. Methods: We conducted Direct Intuitive Searches of specimens and measured soil temperature and moisture in 19 transects with logs, leaf litter, coral remains, and decomposing plant material. Results: A total of 1 970 individuals representing 17 species were collected, with Tylidae, Halophilosciidae, and Ligiidae being the most abundant families. Alpha diversity orders were higher in ARCO than MAG and MOR ecoregions. MAG and MOR differed in observed richness. The structure of the assemblage varied in dominant species and abundances. In ARCO, the indicator species were Tylos niveus, Littorophiloscia denticulata, Halophiloscia trichoniscoides, and Ligia baudiniana; in MOR, it was Tylos marcuzzii, and in MAG, it was Littorophiloscia tropicalis. High beta diversity (> 60 %), with significant differences in the assemblage structure among ecoregions, was confirmed by the NMDS, which distinctly separated each group. CCA analysis revealed a negative relationship between most species with soil temperature and moisture, with a positive relationship observed with T. marcuzzii. Conclusions: This is the first effort to describe spatial changes in the diversity of oniscideans in the supralittoral zone of the Neotropical region, providing a baseline for future studies. This information could be instrumental in identifying priority areas for conservation efforts.
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