Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

El huevo y la larva de la sardina crinuda del Pacífico <i>Opisthonema libertate</i> (Günther)
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Matus-Nivón, E., Ramírez-Sevilla, R., Ortíz-Galindo, J. L., Martínez-Pecero, R., & González-Acosta, B. (1989). El huevo y la larva de la sardina crinuda del Pacífico <i>Opisthonema libertate</i> (Günther). Revista De Biología Tropical, 37(2), 115–125. Retrieved from


This pape! describes eggs and larvae of Opisthonema liberta te reared in laboratory from eggs collccted in Bahía Almejas, Baja California Sur, Mexico in 1985. The eggs are spherical, pelagic, with smooth chorion 1.64 mm mean diameter, ane oi! globule 0.12 mm mean diameter, and wide periviteline space. Newly hatched larvae are 2.4 notochordal length (NL). Notochord flexion begins at 6.25 mm standard length (SL) and thc maximum size at laboratory \Vas 22.7 mm .(SL). Transformation of larval to juvenile was not reached.
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