Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Hemogregarinas en serpientes de Costa Rica
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Moreno, E., & Bolaños, R. (1977). Hemogregarinas en serpientes de Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 25(1), 47–57. Retrieved from


Thirty-three percent of 216 venomous and non-venomous captive snake of Costa Rica were parasitized with hemogregarines (Protozoa: Sporozoa). The species most affected were Lachesis muta, Crotalus durissus and Boa constrictor with scores above 50%. None of the arboreal species harbored hemogregarines.

Five morphological blood types were demonstrated and frequently more than one type occurred in a single host.

Lung and liver sections of the parasitized snakes showed cysts similar to those of schyzogonic forms, and sporozoite like forms were observed in the general cavity of a tick (Amblyoma dissimile) from a parasitized snake.

Parasitism and life span were not correlated in snakes kept in captivity.

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