Productivity of natural ecosystems in watersheds in the Central American Isthmus is being seriously endangered by the disproportionate increase in population, which hampers an adequate development of water and agricultural resources. The logical consequences of the lack of planning in the use of these resources are rapid degradation of the soil and high levels of environmental pollution.Among the human activities which destroy the natural ecological balance are slash burning, overgrazing and farming on lands not suited for this purpose. These activities Corm part of the socioeconomic and cultural aspects of the region and are associated with systems of land occupancy and distribution, and with inefficient practices, such as tenant farming and share cropping.
Recent apprehensions by nature-loving groups and the general public are pressing for more realistic conservation and legislative policies, and for the creation of more dynamic government agencies that would not only actively participate in the planning and utilization of natural resources, but also in the technical studies of watersheds that alter the socio-cultural aspects of the Central American region.
Carry-Lindhal, Kai 1972. Conservar para sobrevivir. Una estrategia ecológica. Editorial Diana, México. Traducción del inglés. 414 pp.
FAO 1966. Report of the ninth session of the Latin American Forestry Commission. FAO/LAW MC-64-2. Curitiba, Brasil, 5-12 de noviembre de 1964.
FAO 1972. Informe sobre el Seminario Latinoamericano de ordenación de cuencas hidrográficas. La Plata, Argentina, 22 de noviembre al 16 de diciembre de 1971. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo. FAO No. AT3112. Roma.
Mojica, I. 1967. Producción hídrica de las cuencas superior y media del Río Reventazón. Costa Rica. Tesis Magis. Sci. IICA, Turrialba. 148 pp.
Mojica, I. 1971. Effects of changes in land use on the streamflow of tne Reventazón River, Costa Rica. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 185 pp.
Mojica, I. 1974. Management aspects of water and land resources in the Reventazón River Basin, Costa Rica. CATIE. Departamento de Ciencias Forestales. Turrialba, Costa Rica (inédito).
Nehemkis, P. 1964. Latin America: Myth and reality. Alfred A. Knopf. New York.
Spielman, H. O. 1974. Problems of agricultural development in Costa Rica. Appl. Sci. Develop., 4: 97-117.
Trejos, A. 1966. Reserva del Río Macho. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), San José, Costa Rica. 10 pp.

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