The need to propose recommendations for the management of over 80 species of bivalves and gastropod mollusks exploited commercially in Mexico, led to look for trends on the population and reproductive biology in re-lation to prevailing environmental conditions of the habitats where they are exploited. The reproductive cycle, growth parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation, mortality and recruitment of 18 populations of 14 species from 13 localities are compared and related to ambient temperature, precipitation, evaporation, geomorphology, tides, and water salinity and temperature. Localities were classified as influenced by landmasses or with marine influence, with a de-sert or tropical humid climate. With restricted or continuous communication to oceanic waters and with or without freshwater runoff. The reproductive cycles were classified in four groups in relation to intensity and duration of the spawning season: 1) limited to one annual spawning, 2) two or more defined spawning periods, 3) two or more ex-tended spawning periods, and 4) continuous low intensity spawning. And three groups in relation to gonad recovery, and duration and intensity of gametogenesis: 1) post spawn and rest stages absent or restricted, 2) fast gametogenesis and a clear mature stage, and 3) extended gametogenesis and limited maturity stages. The population parameters were classified in relation to age structure and number of cohorts, intensity and duration of recruitment, and growth rates as expressed by L∞ and K. In relation to their life cycle four types were found: 1) population represented by only one cohort, at least during part of the year, 2) with two or more cohorts at any time, 3) longevity under five years, and 4) longevity over five years. In relation to recruitment: 1) one recruitment period restricted to a short sea-son, 2) two or more recruitment periods, 3) constant recruitment with one or more peaks, and 4) constant recruitment without periods of dominance.References
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