Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Algunas observaciones sobre la dinámica de la floración en el bosque tropical húmedo de Villa Colón
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How to Cite

Fournier O., L. A., & Salas D., S. (1966). Algunas observaciones sobre la dinámica de la floración en el bosque tropical húmedo de Villa Colón. Revista De Biología Tropical, 14(1), 75–85.


A graphic correlation is shown in this paper between blooming and climate in a Tropical Moist Forest.

Most species bloom from November to May, suggesting that low rainfall and high solar radiation are important environmental factors in determining flowering in this type of forest.

The blooming curve displays two peaks, one during the third month of the dry season, another in March-April, just after a short period of scattered rainfall. This fact suggests that more than one set of factors is involved in flowering of woody plants during the dry season.

The possible causes of this phenomenon, as welI as its effect upon the dynamics of this type of forest are considered in the discussion.
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