The tadpoles of Hyla luteoocellata and H. vigilans and H. vigilans a described and illustrated, on the basis of specimens from an ornamental pool at the Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) campus. State of Miranda, and from a natural ponds in Gavilanes (road 10 Caño Zancudo). Slate of Mérida. respectively. Venezuela. The larva of H. luteoocellata it is distinguished by the combination of an oral apparatus lacking keratodonts rows, cloacal tub abdominal, tail lip filiform and a transversal dark bands pattern on the trail: that of H. vigilans is unique for present a keratodont rows formulate
2(2)/3(1), marginal oral papillae in multiple rows, medial vent tube, and transversal dark bands palterns. The tadpoles of H. luteoocellata were found in sympatry with tadpoles of the two Hyfa and one Leptodactylus species in USB campus, in Falcón región was seen together the larva of Mannophryne sp. Adult males of H. luteoocellata were calling during the months of May, August, and September of 1991. and September 1992. The tadpole of H. lutteoocellata resembled thats of H. koechfini but the caudal venical band of the former is best defined and larger.
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