Introduction: The increasing presence of plastics in aquatic ecosystems has been considered as an emerging global environmental problem. Studies have shown that microplastics can be ingested by a variety of aquatic organisms. The natural variability and importance of the sardine resource are sufficient reasons to evaluate the presence of these particles in stomach contents, and thus generate information about the ingestion implications of these emerging contaminants. Objective: To evaluate the presence of microplastics in the stomach contents of sardines and their correlation with the physiological and reproductive condition of the fish studied. Methodology: We evaluated a total of 800 sardines between April and May 2022. We measured total length and weight, and determined the condition factor and the gonadosomatic index. We removed the digestive tract and weighed the stomach both empty and full, as well as the stomach contents to determine the repletion and emptiness index. We correlated the determined variables with the abundance of microplastics. We extracted microplastics and characterized them physically. Results: The filling index presented monthly differences with an average of 0.311. The average vacancy index was 0.276. The average abundance of microplastics was 3 066 items, with monthly differences and interaction with respect to sex and a frequency of appearance of 70.125 %, with a total of 2 402 fibers and 57 fragments. Black fibers were the most abundant (947 items). Low and positive correlations were found between the abundance of microplastics, the gonadosomatic index and the weight of the organisms. Conclusions: These results cannot be conclusive as to the consequences caused by this emerging pollutant. Further study is necessary, including laboratory tests with standardized methodologies.
Objective: To evaluate the presence of microplastics in the stomach contents of sardines and their correlation with the physiological and reproductive condition of the fish studied.
Methodology: A total of 800 sardines were evaluated between April and May 2022. The morphometric variables total length and weight were measured, the condition factor and the gonadosomatic index were determined. The digestive tract was removed and the weight of the full and empty stomach was determined, in addition to the weight of the stomach contents to determine the repletion and emptiness index. The determined variables were correlated with the abundance of microplastics. The stomach contents were processed to extract the microplastics and characterize them physically.
Results: The filling index presented significant monthly differences; his average was 0.311. The average vacancy index was 0.276. The average abundance of microplastics was 3,066 items, with monthly differences and interaction with respect to sex and a frequency of appearance of 70.125 %, with a total of 2,402 fibers and 57 fragments. Black fibers were the most abundant (947 items). Low and positive correlations were found between the abundance of microplastics and the gonadosomatic index.
Conclusions: These results cannot be conclusive when talking about the consequences caused by this emerging pollutant. It is necessary to deepen more on the subject, including laboratory tests with standardized methodologies.
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