Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Population dynamics and morphometry of the crab Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) introduced in Central Mexico


Crustacea; morfometría; especie invasora; proporción de sexos; acocil rojo de pantano; estacionalidad
Crustacea; morphometry; invasive species; sex ratio; red swamp crayfish; seasonality

How to Cite

Espinosa-Rodríguez, C. A., Saavedra-Martínez, I. M., Peralta-Soriano, L., Rivera-De la Parra, L., & Lugo-Vázquez, A. (2025). Population dynamics and morphometry of the crab Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) introduced in Central Mexico. Revista De Biología Tropical, 73(1).


Introduction: Procambarus clarkii is an invasive species introduced to central Mexico that threatens biodiversity. Objective: To analyze monthly, during an annual cycle, the demographic and morphometric changes of P. clarkii concerning environmental variation in a reservoir (Taxhimay, State of Mexico). Methods: Abundance, sex ratio, fecundity, and nutrition in females were determined using the hepatopancreatic (HSI) and gonadosomatic (GSI) indices. Results: The PCA showed that phycocyanin, chlorophyll a, and pH explained 80.7 % of the environmental variation and grouped the sample sites into October-February, March-April, May-July, and August-September. A total of 464 individuals were captured; 198 (43 %) were females, and 266 (57 %) were males, of which 26 were non-reproductive form II. Abundance was positively correlated with phycocyanin and chlorophyll a and negatively correlated with transparency and depth. The highest abundance of organisms occurred in April at the end of the dry season. According to HSI and GSI, two reproductive seasons were recorded in June-September and January-March. Morphometric variables statistically different between males and females were cephalothorax width, length and width of chelae, and dactylus. In addition, it was recorded that the average length of P. clarkii in the Taxhimay reservoir is larger than that reported in its natural distribution area and other places where it has been introduced into Mexican territory and Europe. Conclusion: The environmental conditions of the Taxhimay reservoir are conducive to the establishment and growth of P. clarkii, thereby endangering native species in central Mexico.


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