Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Range extensions of the lophiid anglerfish <i>Lophiodes spilurus</i> and the stingray <i>Urotrygon nana</i>, along the Pacific coast of America
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Cómo citar

van der Heiden, A. M., & Plascencia González, H. (1990). Range extensions of the lophiid anglerfish <i>Lophiodes spilurus</i> and the stingray <i>Urotrygon nana</i>, along the Pacific coast of America. Revista De Biología Tropical, 38(1), 147. Recuperado a partir de


Since 1979, we have been sampling the demersal fishes of the continental platfonn of southem Sinaloa, extending our research to the entire Gulf of California from May 1982 onwards. The geographlcaJ distribution of many of these demersal fishes, most of them of "Panamic" origin (sensu Walker 1960) is not known in detail. The present paper is intend
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Derechos de autor 1990 Revista de Biología Tropical


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