Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

La punción biopsia del hígado con aguja de Silverman
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Miranda, G. (1954). La punción biopsia del hígado con aguja de Silverman. Revista De Biología Tropical, 2(2), 187–200.


Punch biopsy of the liver, introduced by Lucatello in 1885, was made generally practicable by Silverman's needle, designed in 1938, and is regarded as a valuable clinical aid of relatively easy technique.

Punch biopsy is recommended in the investigation of p"imary and secondary diseases of the liver, of tumors, or in the pharmacological evaluation of certain drugs, and in the observation of evolutive stages of certain diseases.

Hemorrhages, perforation of a hollow organ, and biliperitoneum, are cited as the principal possible complications. The time and penetration point for biopsy must be chosen in each case in accordance with the patient's condition.

Complications occur but rarely. Punch biopsy of the liver is cited as ¿irect cause of death only exceptionally, if proper care is given the patient before and after.

In the 36 cases presented, biopsy was successful in 33 (91.7%), while in 3 cases (8.3%) no material suitable for histopathological study was obtained.

In the study of the 33 biopsies, 28 (84.8%) agreed with the clinical diagnosis.

In two patients, the anatomo-pathological findings changed radically the clinical diagnosis. In the other 3 cases (9.1%), biopsy was inconclusive.

In our experience, punch biopsy of the liver supported clinical diagnosis in 91% of the total number of cases. No complications or fatalities are reported in our cases.

The great usefulness of punch biopsy of the liver is confirmed.
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