Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Seasonal and annual variation in the abundance of Ephuta (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) in Panama
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Isla Barro Colorado
Barro Colorado Island

Cómo citar

Añino, Y. J., Cambra, R. A., Windsor, D. M., Williams, K. A., Bartholomay, P. R., Sánchez, V., & Quintero, D. (2020). Seasonal and annual variation in the abundance of Ephuta (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) in Panama. Revista De Biología Tropical, 68(2), 573–579.


Introduction: Ephuta Say is a widespread New World genus of mutillid wasp whose ecology is poorly understood. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine how Ephuta species abundance varies annually and seasonally driven by weather conditions and hosts. Methods: Ephuta specimens, located in the “old forest” at Barro Colorado Island, were examined from weekly samples (2001-2006) of ten Malaise traps. The monthly abundance of each Ephuta species was compared with monthly average humidity, solar radiation, temperature and rainfall. Results: Nine species and ten morphospecies were identified. Most specimens were collected from March to June. April was the month reported with the greatest abundance. Of the four abiotic variables measured, only average monthly temperature was correlated with Ephuta abundance. Months with the highest number of Ephuta specimens were correlated with suspected host abundance, as indicated by the monthly abundance of Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) captured during the year 2007. Conclusions: We concluded that Ephuta display strong seasonal variation in abundance, with the peaks occurring during the end of the dry season and beginning of the rainy season, which correlate broadly with temperature and the abundance of their pompilid hosts.
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Derechos de autor 2020 Yostin J Añino, Roberto A Cambra, Donald M Windsor, Kevin A Williams, Pedro R Bartholomay, Diomedes Quintero, Vanessa Sánchez


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