Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Vol. 60 Núm. S1 (2012): Volumen 60 – Suplemento 1 – Marzo 2012: Memorias de la 35ta Reunión Científica de la Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe (ALMC)
Volumen 60 – Suplemento 1 – Marzo 2012: Memorias de la 35ta Reunión Científica de la Asociación de Laboratorios Marinos del Caribe (ALMC)


Sascha CC Steiner
A sketch of Arnfried Antonius (1934 - 2010)
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Laurie L. Richardson
Arnfried Antonius, coral diseases, and the AMLC
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Aaron W. Miller, Patricia Blackwelder, Husain Al-Sayegh, Laurie L. Richardson
Insights into Migration and Development of Coral Black Band Disease Based on Fine Structure Analysis
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Carolina Bastidas, David Bone, Aldo Croquer, Denise Debrot, Elia Garcia, Adriana Humanes, Ruth Ramos, Sebastian Rodríguez
Massive hard coral loss after a severe bleaching event in 2010 at Los Roques, Venezuela
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Andrew W. Bruckner
Static measurements of the resilience of Caribbean coral populations
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Virginia H. Garrison, Greg Ward
Transplantation of storm-generated coral fragments to enhance Caribbean coral reefs: A successful method but not a solution
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Robert Anderson, Clare Morrall, Steve Nimrod, Robert Balza, Craig Berg, Jonathan Jossart
Benthic and fish population monitoring associated with a marine protected area in the nearshore waters of Grenada, Eastern Caribbean
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José Francisco Chávez Villegas, Martha Enríquez Díaz, Jorge Arturo Cid Becerra, Dalila Aldana Aranda
Abundancia y distribución de larvas de Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) durante el período reproductivo de la especie en el Caribe Mexicano
Alison L. Moulding, Vladimir N. Kosmynin, David S. Gilliam
Coral recruitment to two vessel grounding sites off southeast Florida, USA
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Ian M. Sandeman
Preliminary results with a torsion microbalance indicate that carbon dioxide and exposed carbonic anhydrase in the organic matrix are the basis of calcification on the skeleton surface of living corals
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Joanne Rebecca Peel, Dalila Aldana Aranda
Growth and population assessment of the queen conch Strombus gigas (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) by capture mark-recapture sampling in a natural protected area of the Mexican Caribbean
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Carlos Alberto Carmona-Suárez, Edlin Guerra-Castro
Comparison of three quick methods to estimate crab size in the land crabs Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1825 and Ucides cordatus (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gecarcinidae and Ucididae)
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Ana Teresa Herrera-Reveles, Mairin Lemus, Baumar Marín
Crecimiento somático y relación ARN/ADN en estadios juveniles de Eucinostomus argenteus (Pisces: Gerreidae) en dos localidades del Caribe de Venezuela
Ana Carolina Peralta, Patricia Miloslavich, Gregorio Bigatti
Comparación de la abundancia, estructura de tallas y fecundidad de Voluta musica (Caenogastropoda: Volutidae) en tres sitios de la costa norte de la Península de Araya, Venezuela