Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Vol. 44 Núm. S3 (1996): Volumen 44 – Suplemento 3 – Diciembre 1996: Ecosistemas costeros de Costa Rica con énfasis en el Golfo Dulce y áreas adyacentes: una visión sinóptica basada en la expedición del B. O. Victor Hensen 1993/1994 y estudios previos
Volumen 44 – Suplemento 3 – Diciembre 1996: Ecosistemas costeros de Costa Rica con énfasis en el Golfo Dulce y áreas adyacentes: una visión sinóptica basada en la expedición del B. O. Victor Hensen 1993/1994 y estudios previos
José A. Vargas, Matthias Wolff


Dierk Hebbeln, Detlef Beese, Jorge Cortés
Morphology and sediment structures in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
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Jorge Cortés, Ana Cecilia Fonseca, Dierk Hebbeln
Bottom topography and sediments around Isla del Caño, Pacific of Costa Rica
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Bo Thamdrup, Donald E. Canfield, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Ronnie N. Glud, Jens K. Gundersen
A biogeochemical survey of the anoxic basin Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
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Jorge Cortés, Carlos E. Jiménez
Coastal-marine environments of Parque Nacional Corcovado, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
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Joaquín Chaves, Matthias Birkicht
Equatorial Subsurface Water and the nutrient seasonality distribution of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica
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Jan Kuever, Cathrin Wawer, Rolf Lillebaek
Microbiological observations in the anoxic basin Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
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R. A. Cruz
Annotated checklist of marine molluscs collected during the R. V. Victor Hensen Costa Rica Expedition 1993/1994
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Harlan K. Dean
Subtidal benthic polychaetes (Annelida) of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica
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Harlan K. Dean
Polychaete worms (Annelida) collected in Golfo Dulce, during the Victor Hensen Costa Rica expedition (1993/1994)
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Mauricio Castro V., Rita Vargas C.
Annotated list of species of marine crustaceans (Decapoda and Stomatopoda) from Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
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Rita Vargas C., Sandra Jesse, Mauricio Castro
Checklist of crustaceans (Decapoda and Stomatopoda), collected during the Victor Hensen Costa Rica Expedition (1993/1994)
Sin título (English)
Álvaro Morales-Ramírez
Checklist of copepods from Gulf of Nicoya, Coronado Bay and Golfo Dulce, Pacific coast of Costa Rica, with comments on their distribution
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Sandra Jesse
Demersal crustacean assemblages along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica: a quantitative and multivariate assessment based on the Victor Hensen Costa Rica Expedition (1993/1994)
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Markus von Wangelin, Matthias Wolff
Comparative biomass spectra and species composition of the zooplankton communities in Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya, Pacific coast of Costa Rica
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Britta Hossfeld
Distribution and biomass of arrow worms (Chaetognatha) in Golfo de Nicoya and Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
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Helena Molina-Ureña
Ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Gulf of Nicoya and Golfo Dulce embayments, Pacific coast of Costa Rica
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William A. Bussing, Myrna I. López
Fishes collected during the Victor Hensen Costa Rica Expedition (1993/1994)
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Matthias Wolff
Demersal fIsh assemblages along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica: a quantitative and multivariate assessment based on the Victor Hensen Costa Rica Expedition (1993/1994)
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Matthias Wolff, Hans Julian Hartmann, Volker Koch
A pilot trophic model for Golfo Dulce, a fjord-like tropical embayment, Costa Rica
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Rafael Al. Cruz
Costa Rican marine gastropods: range extensions
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