In recent years, the improvement in the social and economic situation of China has allowed its citizens to engage in tourism, not only nationally, but also internationally. A large portion of the Chinese population is at an economic level that allows them to enjoy their vacations or carry out leisure and recreation activities by traveling to other countries, a situation that is in great contrast to the one in the last century. By 2019, more than 150 million Chinese tourists traveled abroad, this amount makes the Chinese market a potential for tourism in any country. The objective of the paper is to characterize Chinese tourism and the Costa Rican offer (2010-2019) to outline a strategy to attract Chinese tourism to Costa Rica. The data was obtained from secondary sources, as well as from primary sources, extracted from the reports generated by the online systems of the Costa Rican Government institutions and the World Tourism Organization. Based on the information collected, lines of action are proposed for a strategy to attract Chinese tourism and it is concluded that Costa Rica has the touristic potential for it, but requires a country effort to attract this market.
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