International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

Phenomenology of postures in Vinyasa Yoga: a study on its practice in Mexico
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Vinyasa Yoga
Yoga en México
Vinyasa yoga
Modern and Contemporary Dance
Yoga in Mexico

How to Cite

Larios Robles, V. I. (2022). Phenomenology of postures in Vinyasa Yoga: a study on its practice in Mexico. International Journal of Asian Studies, 1(2), 37–74.


The purpose of this article is to explain the reception, development, and practice in Mexico of the postural yoga style called Vinyasa Yoga; as well as the characteristics that distinguish it from other styles of yoga. The Phenomenology of the body builds a bridge to think about the contemporary practice of yoga and offers a reinterpretation of postures (āsana). Through interviews with key figures in the establishment of Vinyasa in Mexico, the research addresses the fundamental role of modern and contemporary dancers for this style of yoga to proliferate in our country.
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