International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

Notes upon the sacredness of water in ancient India through the R̥g Veda and the Yajur Veda
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cultura del agua
India antigua
los textos Veda
imagen natural
imagen simbólica
water culture
ancient India
the Veda texts
natural image
symbolic image

How to Cite

Hernández Quiroz, A. (2023). Notes upon the sacredness of water in ancient India through the R̥g Veda and the Yajur Veda. International Journal of Asian Studies, 2(2), 112–246.


I inquire here into the water’s symbolism in the R̥g Veda and Yajur Veda texts –and in their brāhmaṇa exegetical tradition– through a study limited in time, but extended to the different water bodies mentioned in the Veda (ocean, sea, river, etc.), in addition to the phenomena associated (rain, waves, currents, etc.). The hypothesis is that the water’s symbolic image has in common, with respect to its counterpart the water’s natural image, the idea of flowing, vivifying and purifying. However, the water’s symbolic description as a divine entity consists of metaphors that go beyond the water’s natural image. I consider that outlining the similarities and differences between the water’s natural image and the symbolic one will allow us to better understand the vision of the Vedic poets. In addition to the poetic resources (figures of thought), linguistic (figures of speech) and hermeneutic (interpretative modes) resources will be studied.
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Fuentes primarias

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