International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

The profile and motivation of Chinese students in Costa Rica
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Costa Rica
Chino lengua extrajera
motivación del estudiantado
Estudio cuantitativo
Chinese foreign language
students’ motivation
quantitative research
Costa Rica

How to Cite

Chao Chao, K. W. (2024). The profile and motivation of Chinese students in Costa Rica. International Journal of Asian Studies, 3(2), 252–288.


Learning a foreign language such as Chinese foreign language is motivated by various reasons depending on people's interests and motivations. The main objective of this research is to describe the reasons why students in Costa Rica study Chinese as a foreign language. This is an exploratory descriptive quantitative research in which 224 Costa Rican Chinese students participated. A questionnaire applied online during the first and second semester of 2022 was used as a data collection instrument. As main results, it was found that this student population studies Chinese mainly due to the interest in learning a new language, the employment situation, the possibility of communication with people of Chinese origin, scholarship opportunities in China, among others. As conclusions, it is observed that these motivations are in turn of an intrinsic instrumental type.
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