Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Professional Identity, Teacher Trainer and Academic Progression in Traditional and Non-Traditional Pedagogy Students
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professional identity
initial training
teacher in education
non-traditional student
identidad profesional
formación inicial
formación docente
estudiante no tradicional
identidade profissional
treino inicial
formador de professores
estudante não tradicional

How to Cite

Cuadra Martínez, D. J., Castro-Carrasco, P. J., Oyanadel, C. ., González Palta, I. ., Sandoval-Díaz, J., & Pérez-Zapata, D. (2024). Professional Identity, Teacher Trainer and Academic Progression in Traditional and Non-Traditional Pedagogy Students. Actualidades En Psicología, 38(137), 118–135.


Objective. To compare the levels of professional identity among Chilean traditional and non-traditional pedagogy students, considering the type of teacher itrainer, academic progression, and the predictive capacity of these two variables on the professional identity. Method. A cross-sectional design with a non-random sample of 702 Chilean pedagogy students was used. Measures included professional teacher identity, identification with the teacher trainer, and the academic level of the students. Results. Non-parametric tests revealed differences in professional identity levels, identification with the teacher trainer, and the predictive model of professional identity between traditional and non-traditional students. These findings are discussed considering the existing literature.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 David J. Cuadra Martínez, Pablo J. Castro-Carrasco, Cristián Oyanadel, Ingrid González Palta, José Sandoval-Díaz, Daniel Pérez-Zapata


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