Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

Effect of Recreation on Self-esteem: A Meta-analysis
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Romero-Barquero, C. E., & Salazar Salas, C. G. . (2024). Effect of Recreation on Self-esteem: A Meta-analysis. Actualidades En Psicología, 38(137), 53–70.


Objective. This meta-analysis (MA) aimed to assess the effectiveness of recreation on self-esteem and to analyze possible moderating variables. Method. Fifty-five studies were included, with 3782 participants, and 117 effect sizes (ES). The analyses comprised within-groups design, the random effects model, the Q statistic and inconsistency with the I2. Results. It was found that the ES of the experimental group was moderate, positive and significant (ES = .70). Recreational programs significantly improved self-esteem. In addition, the type of leadership of the activity, the type of recreational activity and the condition of the sample were variables that significantly moderated the ES of self-esteem. It is recommended to offer recreational activities to people from the ages of 9.5 to 79.
PDF (Español (España))


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