Evaluation of no-till system in the cultivation of soybean in Veracruz.


  • Santos Campos Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP
  • Jesús Uresti Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP
  • Martín Cadena Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP
  • Sergio Jácome Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP
  • Ernesto López Campo Experimental Cotaxtla-INIFAP




The objective of the work was the evaluation of the soybean no-till system as a mean of reducing production cost without affecting the crop yield also toperform an economical analysis comparing this system with the traditional one. There was evaluated the performance of three different furrow opener under no-till system; the results showed that the better crop response was obtained with the chisel type furrow opener compared with the double disc. Also was tested the effect of planting depth and seed density over the effect of final stablished plant, these results showed that it is necessary to increase by 15% the seed dendity compared with the traditional system and the better planting depth response was obtained between three to four centimeters. The economical analysis showed that with the no-till system was possible to obtain a higher marginal return rate of investment in the order of 127% compared with 105% of the traditional system.


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How to Cite

Campos, S., Uresti, J., Cadena, M., Jácome, S., & López, E. (2016). Evaluation of no-till system in the cultivation of soybean in Veracruz. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 7(2), 84–87. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v7i2.24767

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