The cryopreservation of the germplasm of livestock species: A step towards sustainability
Antioxidants, centrifugation, extender, reactive oxygen species, biodiversity conservationAbstract
Introduction. Climate change has led to the need to modify the way of production in livestock systems. Objective. Review the state of the art on the cryopreservation of sperm from livestock species and its possible repercussions on sustainable development. Development. Scientific articles from 2000 to 2024 were reviewed from Web of Science, Scopus and ScienceDirect. Sperm freezing can be considered as a way to optimize the reproduction of animals, however, during the process the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can be stimulated, which promote lipid peroxidation of the membrane, which can cause damage. at a structural and molecular level that compromise the sperm functionality and the fertilizing capacity of the male gamete. The success of cryopreservation of sperm from livestock species can be improved by including extrinsic factors such as the addition of antioxidants, centrifugation or selection of the type of freezing. This reproductive biotechnology is associated with artificial insemination (AI) and the combination of these techniques has made it possible to optimize the profitability of livestock systems through continuous genetic improvement. Conclusions. The optimization of cryopreservation of the germplasm of species of zootechnical interest has allowed for an increase in the productivity and efficiency of livestock systems, as well as the possibility of species conservation, which are key factors to achieve sustainability.
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