Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Maternal experiences during booksharing with infants: An analysis of facilitators and barriers
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child lenguage
digital apps
home literacy environment
alfabetización inicial del hogar
lectura compartida
lenguaje infantil
aplicaciones digitales

How to Cite

Garro, Z., & Carmiol, A. (2024). Maternal experiences during booksharing with infants: An analysis of facilitators and barriers. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 24(3), 1–33.


Early language predicts cognitive skills and future academic success, and booksharing is one of the most effective practices for its promotion. However, little is known about the facilitators and barriers faced by mothers when engaging in booksharing with their infants. The aim of this study was to examine the reported experiences of 168 mothers who participated with their infants in a reading promotion intervention offered by Universidad de Costa Rica during the period 2021-2022, where dyads received children’s books and information about booksharing through the WhatsApp app. The frequency of maternal responses to messages was quantitatively analyzed, and maternal responses were also subjected to a qualitative content analysis to identify facilitators and barriers experienced during the implementation of booksharing. The results indicate that mothers with lower educational levels responded to more messages, mainly by acknowledging them. Mothers with higher educational levels responded to fewer messages but more elaborately, including comments and questions about booksharing. Content analysis identified infant interest in reading as a facilitator and maternal expectations about how booksharing should take place as a barrier to booksharing. It is concluded that digital apps are a useful tool for implementing psychoeducational programs targeting families. However, different caregivers may require differentiated scaffolding strategies to optimize their utility. The identified facilitators and barriers provide information on how to improve intervention strategies aimed at promoting the quality of home language and literacy environments from an early age.
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