Revista de Ciencias Económicas ISSN Impreso: 0252-9521 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3489


About the Journal



Revista de Ciencias Económicas (RCE) is a semi-annual, interdisciplinary, open access publication from Universidad de Costa Rica.


The journal’s objective is to disseminate the contributions of research developed by national and international academics. In addition, the journal will serve as a means of communication among specialists in the scientific community in a way that generates dialog between peers in different geographic regions about knowledge in economics.

Target Audience

The journal’s target audience is national and international academics interested in the Economic Sciences.


Revista de Ciencias Económicas is published on a semi-annual basis and follows a continuous publication model. This means that articles are made available immediately after the completion of the review and editing process. The first issue covers the period of January 1st to June 30th; the second, the period of July 1st to December 31st.

Types of Papers

RCE publishes national and international researchers' research papers and technical notes in Spanish and English.

Thematic areas

The journal covers the areas of Economics, Business Administration, Statistics, and Public Management. The journal is published online.

Revista de Ciencias Económicas promotes access to scientific research as it does not have publication fees and makes articles available immediately after the original publication. The papers are available for reading or downloading right away and for free after their publication.



Papers’ editorial process

Every manuscript received in RCE is subjected to a double-blind peer review by national and international reviewers who are external to the journal. This process guarantees impartiality in the evaluation of papers. The timeline of the review process goes as follows: a) editorial review and peer review (six months) and b) the final result, style correction, diagramming, and publication (an additional six months approximately). The whole process takes around twelve months.

The papers presented to RCE go through the following process:

Editorial Review

  • The editorial review begins after the manuscript is received. In this process, the document’s evaluation will determine whether it is part of any categories within the call for papers, research papers and technical notes. The team then verifies that the document us up to the journal’s standards. Also, they check the clarity regarding the contribution to the field, the presentation of ideas, and the quality of the writing.

  • The document is checked for signs of plagiarism using the Turnitin service.

  • After that, and in agreement with the director, there will be a selection of papers that can end up in two different groups. One will be the papers that are rejected ad portas. Another will be the papers that are sent to peer review, according to the rigorous criteria of form and content, in the hopes that there will be a true contribution to the knowledge regarding the phenomenon being analyzed or for the improvement of the discipline.

Double-blind Peer Review

  • Two or three external reviewers (either national or International) will review the manuscript. This double-blind review means that both the identities of the reviewers and the authors are kept anonymous.
  • Reviewers are required to issue a result within the next 15 calendar days, stating one of the following: 1. Approved, 2. Approved (if suggestions are included), 3. Revise and resubmit, 4. Rejected.
  • In the event that the evaluations indicate Approved (if suggestions are included), these are sent to the authors, who will have a period of no more than 30 days to submit a response or a revised version of the manuscript; On the contrary, if any of the evaluations indicates Revise and resubmit, the final decision will be given by the journal’s director considering the option of rejecting the paper with the possibility of submitting it again.
  • According to the corresponding evaluations, the journal’s director or the Editorial Board will decide whether the paper was accepted or rejected by the journal, and this decision will be sent to the authors.



Revista de Ciencias Económicas is published on a semi-annual basis and follows a continuous publication model. This means that articles are made available immediately after the completion of the review and editing process. The first issue covers the period of January 1st to June 30th; the second, the period of July 1st to December 31st.



Revista de Ciencias Económicas is a free, open access publication. It is free of cost for both authors and readers. There is no price to review or publish an article. The audience can read, download, store, print, index, and link to the journal’s full text. Distributing the paper in both print and digital versions is allowed without permission from authors or editors if it is done without commercial ends, no derivative work is created, and the source and authors are mentioned. The journal is published under a Creative Commons License 3.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Costa Rica). Read more about this license here:

Per the recommendations stemming from the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), Revista de Ciencias Económicas declares that the reference lists for its papers will be available under the public domain Creative Commons (CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication). The full text of the dedication can be read here:



Revista de Ciencias Económicas has a Best Practices Code and Ethical Principles. Within it are all the rules and regulations that all the people involved in submitting, processing, and publishing papers must uphold and obey.

Authors must declare in writing that the papers they submit to RCE are ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED. This means that those papers are the authors’ intellectual property, have not been published in other journals, printed or digital, and have not simultaneously been submitted for publication to another journal or any other editorial institution.

When citing other works, authors must include the corresponding author, even if the author is themselves. In this manner, intellectual rights are respected, and any issues of plagiarism or self-plagiarism can be prevented. Additionally, the quotes must be distinguishable from the author’s contributions and those of the reference used.

For the manuscript not to be rejected, the authors must avoid bad practices such as:

  1. Incorrect use of citation: bad use of secondary quotes, wrong allocation of quotes, inadequate application of citation norms, excessive use of quoting the author’s own work.
  2. Plagiarism: when parts of someone else’s work are taken, transcribed, duplicated, paraphrased, etc., without giving credit to the original author.
  3. Fabrication or falsification of data: when data is altered, added, or omitted to affect results or the interpretation of said results.
  4. Redundant or rehashed publication: the use of parts of papers already published as if they were original.
  5. Including authors who did not participate in the research or the creation of the paper or excluding authors who did participate in the research or the creation of the paper.

Additionally, Revista de Ciencias Económicas uses a plagiarism detection service, Turnitin, which aids in analyzing the manuscripts received.



1. The Turnitin service is used to detect similarities between the paper received and those that the service has access to check.

2. After looking at the Turnitin results, the editor will determine whether there is evidence of plagiarism.

- If there is no evidence of plagiarism, the document moves on in the editorial review process.
- In case there is evidence of plagiarism, the seriousness of it must be determined, and it will be classified as follows:
Evident plagiarism: The Editorial Board or the journal’s director will send out a letter in which the paper is rejected due to plagiarism.
Short texts: The editor will contact the author and notify them that they must quote their references from which they took the texts appropriately.
Self-Plagiarism: If the amount of self-plagiarism is significant, it is considered evident plagiarism, and the same procedure mentioned before would apply. If the self-plagiarism is less significant, the author will be contacted and warned to quote all the documents from which they took the text.



Revista de Ciencias Económicas embraces the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), allowing data to be collected by other distribution systems. Address for OAI-PMH:



Revista de Ciencias Económicas has three methods for the digital preservation of its publications (last updated as of April 22nd, 2020)*:

  1. RCE has external hard drives that are updated semiannually with each new publication. Additionally, the papers are hosted in a server from Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas (Research Institute for Economics) which is hosted by Centro de informática de la Universidad de Costa Rica (IT Center of Universidad de Costa Rica).
  2. Institutional preservation: all papers in the journal are kept in the Repository of Universidad Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
  3. Long term preservation: Revista de Ciencias Económicas is included in the digital preservation system of PKP Private LOCKSS Network (PLN), This system helps guarantee that journal’s content will be preserved even in the case of a catastrophic failure of the server that hosts the journal.

*This policy is based on Electronic Journal Educare’s electronic preservation policy. It has been adapted for Revista de Ciencias Económicas and is shared through a CBYNC ND license (Creative Commons, Non-Commercial Use, No Derivatives, or adaptations are permitted.



For many years, several professionals in Economics were interested in having a national technical journal that could make known the research developed in this discipline. Thanks to the initiative that started in the Professional Association of Professionals in Economics (Colegio de Licenciados en Ciencias Económicas), and of the Research Institute of Universidad de Costa Rica (Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica), as well as the cooperation and financial support of the Central Bank of Costa Rica that in September of 1981, the first issue of Ciencias Económicas was published.