The purpose of this article is to scientifically study the activity and scope of the Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) through a systematic review of the literature. For this purpose, a Boolean search is carried out and the information is extracted from three databases: Scopus, SSCI and EBSCOhost. The specific objectives are: to identify the different theoretical perspectives that characterize and define the literature related to SBDCs and to highlight the connections between them; determine the perspective to which researchers have given the greatest importance according to a trend analysis of publications; identify the greatest exponents of the subject and identify the sources that are most consulted. To obtain the bibliometric information, citation techniques were used to select, analyze and interpret the patterns within the literature. It is achieved: identifying business development and entrepreneurship education as the two main theoretical perspectives; business education is established as the most important perspective given its growth; the greatest exponents and sources that publish the subject are recognized. From a practical aspect, this research contributes to the analysis of the existing theory on SBDC and shows their effectiveness.
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