Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Thinking About the Institutional Identity in Contemporary Contexts: About Stories, Models, Metaphors and Approaches, Rosario, Argentina, on 19t Century Threshold
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Identidad docente
construcción de la identidad institucional
contextos contemporáneos
Teacher and institutional identity
contemporary contexts

How to Cite

Tranier, J. A. (2013). Thinking About the Institutional Identity in Contemporary Contexts: About Stories, Models, Metaphors and Approaches, Rosario, Argentina, on 19t Century Threshold. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 37(1), 161–178.


This paper addresses some issues regarding the institutional and teacher´s identity in the Latin American context. Taking as reference our own experience as researchers and teachers in different schools in Rosario, Argentina, we will consider necessary to mention that identity needs to be approached in light of the sudden changes that have been taken place in the contemporary political world since 2001 in our country. So, questions like: How can we sustain teacher’s identity in a frame of political and social changes?; how these processes can be built within the educational community?; or what can be said about factors which make teachers suffer? And, finally, what kind of alternatives can help to rethink professional and institutional identity in our educational organizations? =, will be the main goal of this reflection.
PDF (Español (España))


Referencias extraídas

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